Tuesday 3 January 2012

No yellow brick road, just an Emerald Street

So christmas is done for another year and it was back to work with an official bang today. A morning of emails, overdues and collating the first of a long line of 2012 to do lists was a struggle, even for a organised individual like myself. But have no fear as escapism is here in the form of Emerald Street. It is my daily pick me up and for a few minutes I throw myself into and email, wishing it will never end.

Living in London offered many things, one of my favourites was the free press. The Metro, The London Paper and Stylist magazine, which i'm not going to lie, I would go out of my way to get my paws on. While I do get the occasional copy sent over along with a bundle of Sunday Times Style and Stella magazines, its just not the same as sitting down on the tube with a fresh copy ready to be devoured.

I love the magazine for one reason....it combines a plethora of quality content to rival any other publication and its free. I mean really. It is just genius. So when I discovered their new brain child, Emerald Street, I was overjoyed. A daily dose of everything Stylist stands for, via email, which for an expat like me is a hallelujah moment.

Mixing fashion, beauty, culture and entertainment perfectly to provide a daily dose when you most need it, it keeps a London girl in Nicosia in the loop. Love it!

Sign up here 

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